Friday, August 27, 2010

Humulus Lupulus (that's hops, as in beer ... mmm ... beer)

That's right, my friends, you've made it through another long summer week to Friday.  To tell you the truth, I really don't know how you do it.  Seriously, with the kids, all that work around the house, and the added responsibilities at work, it's a wonder that you find the time and the energy to get it all done.  But done it is, week after week, and you've earned the right to kick back, relax, pop a cold one (might I suggest a Steel Rail EPA?), and be catered to.  Take all the time that you need, and don't be shy, as there's plenty of EPA to be had. 

Can I turn on the game for you?  No?  What?  The Rachel Zoe Project?  And a chardonnay?  What the hell?  Come on, this is a guy's blog!  Ok ... ok ... I get it ... the entire book blog universe is female.  The Rachel Zoe Project it is.  And I might have some old pinot grigio in the fridge, I guess.  Fine.  Whatever.  Fantastic.

Anyway, one of the many here in book blogdom that work tirelessly to make your life better, cleaner, easier, and more efficient is Jennifer over at Crazy for Books.  Each week Jennifer hosts the Book Blogger Hop, which aggregates the old and the new of book review websites from around the globe.  I can honestly say that I have never taken the time to peruse her listings without finding at least one new voice taht I return to week after week.  So give it a try, leave a comment here and there to express your appreciation, and feel free to invite any you may meet on your wanderings back here to The Literate Man.  We're always open to new friends.

If you are joining us from the Book Blogger Hop, then welcome!  Please feel free to kick our tires and check under the hood.  Don't mind that cat in the wheel well--he climbs up there to get warm.  You might be interested in our abbreviated, yet (somewhat) comprehensive review of the work of Ernest Hemingway in last week's The Inevitable Ernest Hemingway Post.  Or perhaps you'd be interested in our Declaration of War on All Things Twilight from a while back.  Or maybe, just maybe you'd like to take at our review of Sometimes a Great Notion, otherwise known as the greatest novel ever written.

Jennifer's question this week is whether we use a rating system in our blogs. We do, of course, use a ten-point system measured to the nearest integer. But we also have our doubts. Book-loving is an inherently subjective endeavor, and our rating system is likewise a reflection of our own likes and dislikes, which certainly differ from yours. On the other hand, guys like shorthand, and the ratings do serve that useful purpose. What are your thoughts on the subject?


  1. I am not into rating. I find it over-rated!


    Added you to my google reader.

    Here is my Book blogger hop/Follow me/Book Beginnings post! I am an eclectic reader!

  2. I don't use a rating system. Everything has its ups and downs and I don't think a number reflects that well. The average of the different qualities doesn't seem like a fair way to judge a book, particularly considering the average might not actually be what I'd rate the book either way. Usually I try to sum up my reviews with a recommendation either way and a warning if necessary!

  3. How says book blogging is just for women - I would love to see more men get involved. We know you read! I see men with books/ereaders everywhere when I'm traveling :).

    You also read smart books - so you get extra props from me :).

    Have a great weekend!

  4. I'm not much for ratings myself. I much prefer to hear what you think of a book, however subjective and amorphous those thoughts may be.

    Now as for brews, I'll have to give the Steel Rails EPA a go. Ever tried Val-Dieu? It is proof that the gods were brewers masquerading as belgian monks.

  5. Hopping by to say hello. Just finished reading, "A Fierce Radiance", and I agree with your rating. Fascinating story. Have a great weekend.

  6. @Guatami - I think I'm with you. We'll have to see about discontinuing our rating system. I returned the visit and am now a follower.

    @Jennifer - That seems a better system. The truth is that my ratings change over time as well. Definitely time for a new system.

    @Mari - That's what we're all about here! We want to get men reading again. Thanks for the kind words. Have a great weekend!

    @Mayowa - Thanks for the tip! I'm putting it at the top of my TBD (to be drunk) list.

    @4IQRead - I'm glad to hear that someone else liked it. i was beginning to think that I was the only one!

    @Beverly - Done and done. I look forward to visiting The Wormhole often. Great name!

  7. Hopping by to see what's new on your site. I'm already a follower.


  8. Female I may be, but I'll have a craft beer with you anyday! And I'd rather watch the Bulls than Rachel Zoe, as well (though I must admit to Project Runway obsession!)

  9. Dropped by the man den to see what the boys are up too. I'd like a cosmo please and the box set of Dexter. Charlie
